You heard it here last, hares and harriettes! The Zurich Hash House Harrier’s have launched into stardom, with our latest feature in none other than, “20 Minuten”!

For a hash kennel that is almost ran more by dogs than runners, we’ve made the news at last. While our pup’s aren’t fortunate enough to have their own whatsapp group chats like those in Seefeld, we have still gotten four-paws up, pawsitive, reviews from our doggy flour tasters.

Our four legged companions are safe and sound, and will continue to run by our sides every hash they can! In case you’d like to view the explanation yourselves, or simply revel in our fame, the article can be found here.


We’d also like to take a moment to appreciate other potential topics that may have been news worthy, that were raised by concerned citizens in the comments.

Do Swiss citizen’s know the correct way to test white ground substances?

Has doggy Telegram gone too far?

And finally, are our children of the avian persuasion?