Hares: Gladiator, Beggin’ for It, and Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey


It’s exactly what it sounds like: a run (or walk) following a trail around the beautiful city of Zürich for which EVERYONE, man, woman, child, or dog, will wear their finest red frock. There will be stylish haberdashery freebies, a fabulous central location, bawdy singing, and a LOT of beer. Best of all, it’s for a good cause.


In 1987, a woman named Donna Reinhart got gussied up for what turned out to be the worst date ever. Not only was she taken to the Long Beach Hash, she was then told to “wait in the truck” due to her unsuitable outfit. But Donna, being a total badass, joined the run in her pretty red dress. This impressed the hashers so much that they began holding a Red Dress Run annually in her honour, raising money for charity. Other hashes have adopted the custom and now thousands of dollars are generated each year for good causes around the world.

WHO (are we giving the money to)?

Once again we will be raising money for 143.ch, a mental health crisis hotline offering support for German and English speakers in Switzerland by phone, email and webchat. This is a cause close to all our hearts after the tragic loss of our beloved co-hasher Bling Dong (Matt Moss) last year. The cost of this hash will therefore be 25CHF, and you are very welcome to donate more if you wish to. If you wish to prepay, please make a transfer to the below account with the reference “RDR 2024 (your hash name)”

Migros Bank AG, 8010 Zürich
IBAN: CH74 0840 1000 0519 9117 9
Account holder: Zürich Hash House Harriers
Address: Gloriastrasse 88, 8044 Zürich


Bring yourself, bring a dress (changing facilities are available), bring an open mind, and prepare to have fun.


Near Tram Stop Kirche Fluntern.


Meet at 1:45pm to start at 2:00pm. There will be a charge of CHF5.00 for participating.