ZH3 Hash #1128: The Apple of my iHash
Hares: Kneels Sporadically and Grab My Sack
RA: Weapons of Ass Destruction
Scribe: Facial Discrimination

A slightly sweating group of nearly 30 hashers gathered at the Pan Asian kitchen near Kreuzplatz. A pestilent and cantankerous Slippery Digit with Hund was on hand to collect funds while Weapons of Ass Destruction (WoAD) attempted to hawk tee-shirts.

The hares, Kneels Sporadically and Grab My Sack, festooned with AppleTM logos and promises of shot stops, fielded questions and then pointed us towards the first mark. The trail took us up the hill into Flutern and through some nice parks. The hares managed to avoid the temptation of taking us by the zoo or into the woods. But there was no shortage of scenery. The trail were punctuated early on by an apple flavored shot stop which was quite popular. Past hares have set the flavor expectations for shot stops somewhere between cheap plastic bottle vodka and cough syrup, so these were a real treat. Many of the hashers had seconds. This salubrious concoction mollified the griping related to the hills thereafter. The trail felt like it was nearly all up hill. This trail was a rare one, not only for the timing and quality of the shot stop, but also because it was so well marked. Every turn was marked and at no point did a hasher doubt her sanity or second guess the manner in which he spends his potential idle hours.

After bringing us back down the hill, the trail terminated in a park complete with naked statues and fully clothed Papa FKK.
We endured an interminable wait for beer to be lugged from underground restaurant storage to the park, after which WoAD convened the ceremony.

– Notable down-downs:

The hares – What did you think of the trail? – (It sucked.) No, really it was good.
The virgins – Two of them. Brought by Naked and Wasted and Saddam. Both were good spirited and full of enthusiasm. Their names I have forgotten.
The providers – Kneels Sporadically, Grab My Sack, Cum in Cider, Facial Discrimination
The beer bitch – Sticky Fingers – was consistently in need of a watch
Late Cumer – for arriving on time
Soaked Baloney and Butt Bugger – for arriving late

Editor’s Note – Think you can do better? Please send lovingly used Apple products, videos of hashers doing the cinnamon challenge, and copy write infringement claims to ZH3.ch